Volume IX

This collection of articles was published in 1988 by the Oklahoma Lodge of Research.

Table of Contents

  • Past Master’s Degree by Larry W. Snow
  • Robert William Hill by Larry W. Snow
  • Ritual and the Work: Indian Territory by Larry W. Snow
  • Ritual and the Work: Oklahoma Territory by Larry W. Snow
  • Ritual and the Work: Grand Lodge of Oklahoma by Larry W. Snow
  • The First Sixty-Seven: Charter Members of Indian Territory by Larry W. Snow
  • The Bee Hive: An Emblem of Industry by Larry W. Snow
  • Ivanhoe Lodge No. 389: Texas or Oklahoma? by Larry W. Snow
  • Instruction on Preparation of Lodge Minutes by Joseph S. Murrow
  • Membership Statistics of Indian Territory
  • The Fellowcraft Degree: A Product of Pythagorean Knowledge by Robert G. Davis

Volume IX is available for purchase from the Oklahoma Lodge of Research’s “Traveling” Masonic Bookstore.