The membership of the Oklahoma Lodge of Research is composed of Master Masons, from Oklahoma and elsewhere, and also Masonic organizations, such as constituent Lodges, Research Lodges, etc. The membership is naturally divided into three classifications:
- REGULAR: The Regular, or voting, members are those Master Masons who are in good standing in regularly constituted constituent Lodges holding allegiance to and working under the Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma.
- ASSOCIATE: The Associate members are those Master Masons in good and regular standing holding membership in any Grand Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma. Associate members have no vote and cannot hold office. In all other respects they have the same rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities as Regular members.
- CORRESPONDING: Corresponding members are Lodges, Grand Lodges, Masonic Clubs, Masonic Appendant Bodies, or other recognized Masonic groups.
Prospective Regular, Associate, and Corresponding members are to make written application, present satisfactory evidence of their good standing, and such other information as may be required. For further details regarding applying for membership, please see How to Join.
Within the framework of both Active and Associate members, those members who distinguish themselves by contributing to the Masonic light of knowledge and education of its craft will be recognized by the Oklahoma Lodge of Research as a Full Member or a Fellow in Masonic Research. The criteria for recognition will be governed by the Lodge of Research and controlled by its membership. Papers for consideration must be concerned directly with Freemasonry and acceptable for presentation and publication by the Oklahoma Lodge of Research as stipulated in the bylaws of the Oklahoma Lodge of Research. Typical subjects: the history of Oklahoma Masonry; its Lodges, active or defunct; biographies of distinguished Masons; Masonic ceremonies, customs, or practices; speculative or operative philosophical aspects of Freemasonry; and Masonic subjects of general or special interest to the Fraternity.
- FULL MEMBER: A member who has been chosen by vote of the OLR, upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees, for having written and presented a Masonic paper at a meeting of the Oklahoma Lodge of Research and had it published by the OLR or for other accomplishments in any field within the purposes for which the OLR is created, as defined by the Screening Committee and upon a majority vote of members present at a Stated Communication of the OLR. Full Memberships may continue only as long as such member is in good standing in a constituent Lodge of this jurisdiction or of a jurisdiction in fraternal relations with this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of the State of Oklahoma. [SECTION 2.1.1]
- FELLOW IN MASONIC RESEARCH: A member who has been chosen by vote of the OLR, upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees, for having written, submitted and published two or more articles, or for having written and presented a Masonic Volume to the Oklahoma Lodge of Research and had it published by the OLR, or for other accomplishments in any field within the purposes for which the OLR is created, as defined by the Screening Committee and upon a majority vote of members present at a Stated Communication of the OLR. Fellow in Masonic Research may continue only as long as such member is in good standing in a constituent Lodge of this jurisdiction or of a jurisdiction in fraternal relations with this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of the State of Oklahoma. Any member who receives this honor must reimburse the OLR for the cost of the Apron thus presented to him. Only one of these memberships may be given in any one given year, “Fellow in Masonic Research” in recognition of distinguished service.. [SECTION 2.1.2]