
Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of the State of Oklahoma

Lodges of Research

Quatuor Coronati Lodge #2076 (England)
Arizona Research Lodge #1
Scientia Coronati Research Lodge #4 (Arizona)
Northern California Research Lodge
Southern California Research Lodge
Research Lodge of Colorado
Philosophic Lodge of Research #400 (Connecticut)
Masonic Lodge of Research #401 (Connecticut)
Florida Lodge of Research
Georgia Lodge of Research
Illinois Lodge of Research
Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research (Indiana)
Iowa Research Lodge #2
Kansas Lodge of Research
Ted Adams Lodge of Research #998 (Kentucky)
Louisiana Lodge of Research
Maine Lodge of Research
Maryland Masonic Lodge of Research #239
Maryland Masonic Research Society
Massachusetts Lodge of Research
Michigan Lodge of Research & Information #1
Educational Lodge #1002 (Minnesota)
Mississippi Lodge of Research
Missouri Lodge of Research
Nevada Masonic Research Society
Anniversary Lodge of Research #175 (New Hampshire)
New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research & Education #1786
Lodge of Research of New Mexico
American Lodge of Research (New York)
Western New York Lodge of Research #9007
Ohio Lodge of Research
Oklahoma Lodge of Research
Research Lodge of Oregon #198
Pennsylvania Lodge of Research
Collegium Luminosum Masonic Lodge of Research (Rhode Island)
South Carolina Masonic Research Society
Tennessee Lodge of Research
Texas Lodge of Research
Edward J. Wildblood, Jr. Vermont Lodge of Research #110
Virginia Research Lodge #1777
Civil War Lodge of Research #1865 (Virginia)
A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research #1949 (Virginia)
Walter F. Meier Lodge of Research #281 (Washington)
Silas H. Shepherd Lodge of Research #1843 (Wisconsin)

Other Masonic Research Societies

The Philalethes Society
The Masonic Society
The Scottish Rite Research Society
Masonic Restoration Foundation